Monday, May 19, 2014

Exhibition Introduction

The title of this exhibition is Intimate Moments

Theme: Love, lovers, and intimacy

The Featured artist are the following:
Gustav Klimt
Marc Chagall
Jackson Pollock
Paul Klee
Rene Magritte
Edvard Munch
Paul Cezanne
Egon Schiele
Gustave Courbet

This exhibit presents the beauty between a lover’s affection and the many variations amongst it. The collection of works in this exhibition were chosen because of their innovative and explicit display of intimacy between lovers. The artist chosen each have their own individual style that further implements the theme of variation amongst the display of intimate moments. All artwork is meant to establish unique representation of the artist and their unique form of expression. The theme of the show is meant to reveal the dynamics among love, lovers, and intimacy.

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