Monday, May 19, 2014

Edvard Munch - Kiss by the Window

Artist: Edvard Munch, December 1863 - January 1944
Title: Kiss by the Window
Dimensions: 73 x 92
Media: Oil on canvas
Date: 1892

Edvard Munch stated “In my art I have tried to explain to myself life and its meaning I have also tried to help others to clarify their lives" (edvard-munch). Munch was an artist of the Expressionism and Symbolism movement and many of his artwork depicted the calamities of life.  He was known to play up the tormented artist role but it was said that it was all part of his artist persona and that he had the intellect to know what would sell. The portrait Kiss by the Window displays a dark, romantic tone of blue, which presents a subtle tone of eroticism. The woman fades into the image of the man and they are both frozen in the private passionate moment. I chose this piece because it gives off a type of voyeuristic tone. The most intimate and passionate moments between lovers are usually private and not shared with anyone else.

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